This event is endorsed
and organized by

6th EAI International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software

October 26–27, 2015 | Rome, Italy

S-Cube 2015

Monday (October 26, 2015)




Welcome and conference opening remarks


Keynote 1:

Andrew Markham, University of Oxford (UK): Title: Smart Sensors for Smarter Structures


Coffee break


Technical session 1: Sensors


Strain Calibration of Substrate-Free FBG Sensors at Cryogenic Temperature (full paper)

1,2 Venkataraman Narayanan Venkatesan, 1 K-P. Weiss, 2 R.P. Bharti, 1 H. Neumann, 1 R. Ramalingam

1 ITEP, KIT, Germany

2 IIT, India


Fabrication and Application of Low Cost Flexible Film-based Sensors to Environmental and Biomedical Monitoring Scenarios (full paper)

1,2,3 Vladimir Laukhin, 1 Victor Lebedev, 1,2 Elena Laukhina, 4 Andrey Somov, 5 Alexander Baranov, 1,2 Concepcio Rovira, 1,2 Jaume Veciana


2 CIBER-BBN, Spain

3 ICREA, Spain


5 ‘MATI’-RGTU, Russia


Hazardous Gases Sensing: Influence of Ionizing Radiation on Hydrogen Sensors (short paper)

Boris Podlepetsky, Nikolay Samotaev

MEPhI, Russia


Approach to Engineering the Temperature Sensing E-textile: a Lightweight Thermistor as an Active Sensing Element (full paper)

1 Victor Lebedev, 1,2 Elena Laukhina, 1,2,3 Vladimir Laukhin, 4 Andrey Somov, 5 Alexander Baranov, 1,2 Concepcio Rovira, 1,2 Jaume Veciana


2 CIBER-BBN, Spain

3 ICREA, Spain


5 ‘MATI’-RGTU, Russia





Technical session 2: Experimentation and prototyping


exIMUs: an Experimental Inertial Measurement Unit for Shock and Impact Detection in Sport Applications (invited paper)

Ivan Minakov, Roberto Passerone

University of Trento, Italy


Towards Generic Intelligent WSN Platform for Hazardous Gases Detection (full paper)

1 Nikolay Samotaev, 1 Anastasia Ivanova, 1 Konstantin Oblov, 2 Pavel Laguzov, 2 Andrey Sokolov

1 MEPhI, Russia

2 NPP ‘Delta’, Russia


Management of Ionization Source Based on a Pulsed Corona Discharge (full paper)

V. Belyakov, A. Golovin, V. Pershenkov, Y. Shaltaeva, V. Vasilyev, N. Samotaev, E. Malkin, E. Gromov, V. Shurenkov, I. Ivanov, M. Matusko, D. Yakovlev

MEPhI, Russia



Coffee break



Technical session 3: Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems


Dynamic Reconfiguration of network protocols for Constrained Internet of Things Devices (invited paper)

1 Peter Ruckebusch, Jo Van Damme, 1 Eli De Poorter, 1 Ingrid Moerman

1 Ghent University, Belgium


Surveying Indexing Methods For The Internet of Things (full paper)

Victor Kardeby, Ulf Jennehag, Mikael Gidlund

Mid Sweden University, Sweden


Towards precision control in constrained wireless cyber-physical systems (full paper)

David Boyle, Roman Kolcun, Eric Yeatman

Imperial College London, UK



End of the first day



S-Cube 2014

Tuesday (October 27, 2015)






Keynote Speakers


Coffee break


Keynote 2:

Fahim Kawsar, Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs (Belgium):  Network Driven Behaviour Modelling for Designing User Centred IoT Services.


Technical session 4: Software


DESALβ: A Framework For Implementing Self-stabilizing Embedded Network Applications (short paper)

1 Yangyang He, 1 Yuheng Du, 2 Shiree Hughes, 2 Jiannan Zhai, 2 Jason O. Hallstrom, 3 Nigamanth Sridhar

1 Clemson University, USA

2 Florida Atlantic University, USA

3 Cleveland State University, USA


Automatically Quantitative Analysis and Code Generator for Sensor Systems: The Example of Great Lakes Water Quality Monitoring (short paper)

Bojan Nokovic, Emil Sekerinski

McMaster University, Canada






Technical session 5: Self-x and smart methods


Ultra-Low Power Context Recognition Fusing Sensor Data Achieving a Self-sustainable Smart Watch (invited paper)

1,2 Michele Magno, 1 Lukas Cavigelli, 1 Renzo Andri, 1,2 Luca Benini

1 ETHZ, Switzerland

2 University of Bologna, Italy


Methods for the Self Calibration of Ion Mobility Spectrometer (full paper)

V. Vasilyev, N. Samotaev, V. Belyakov, V. Pershenkov, A. Golovin, E. Malkin, E. Gromov, I. Ivanov, Y. Shaltaeva, M. Matusko

MEPhI, Russia


Adaptive Methods for Managing Heterogeneity in Smart Spaces (short paper)

Mikko Asikainen, Lauri Väätäinen, Aleksi Suomalainen, Miika Toivanen, Keijo Haataja, Pekka Toivanen

University of Eastern Finland, Finland



Coffee break


Technical session 6: Evaluation and analysis


An Evaluation of Link Estimation Algorithms for RPL in Dynamic Wireless Sensor networks (invited paper)

1 Peter Ruckebusch, Jens Devloo, David Carels, 1 Eli De Poorter, 1 Ingrid Moerman

1 Ghent University iMinds, INTEC, Belgium


Fast Phase Analysis of SAW Delay Lines (full paper)

Christian Gruber, Alfred Binder, Martin Lenzhofer

Carinthian Tech Research AG, Austria


A Mobile Camera-Based Evaluation Method of Inertial Measurement Units on Smartphones (full paper)

1 Lars Middendorf, 2 Rainer Dorsch, 2 Rudolf Bichler, 2 Christina Strohrmann, 1 Christian Haubelt

1 University of Rostock, Germany

2 Bosch Sensortec GmBH, Germany



Software Architecture for Remote Monitoring Systems of Surface Contamination by Alpha Radioactive Isotopes (short paper)

Boris Gurkovskiy, Evgeny Onishchenko, Vladimir Miroshnichenko, Andrey Simakov, Nikolay Samotaev

MEPhI, Russia


DriverGen: Automating the Generation of Serial Device Drivers (short paper)

1 Jiannan Zhai, 2 Yuheng Du, 1 Shiree Hughes, 1 Jason O. Hallstrom

1 Florida Atlantic University, USA

2 Clemson University, USA