Call for Papers
The 6th EAI conference on Sensor Systems and Software is a single track forum for research on system development and software support for embedded sensing, broadly defined. This year the conference will be organized in conjunction with ‘IoT 360’ Summit and will be focused on the Internet of Things paradigm. In the last decade, the IoT paradigm has slowly but steadily and increasingly permeated what researchers and engineers study and build. However, ‘killer’ IoT applications have been slow to emerge.
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum in which researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, as well as the ‘makers’, may work together in order to present and debate on different innovative solutions and applications in sensing systems within the scope of IoT.
Conference Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Civil infrastructure monitoring and control (buildings, bridges, tunnels, roads, etc.)
- Environmental monitoring and control
- Experiences of real-world sensing applications and deployments
- Innovative mobile and mobile sensing applications
- Internet of Things
- Middleware for sensing systems
- New hardware and sensing platforms
- Reprogrammable and reconfigurable sensing systems
- Security, privacy and trust in contemporary and emerging sensing systems
- Semantic technologies for interoperability and context awareness
- Sensing and social media
- Sensor data processing, storage and management
- Smart-Cities / Smart-X applications involving sensing and control
- Spatial and temporal data visualisation
- Wearable sensing technologies (smart textile, wearable electronics)
Best Paper Award
The program committee will select one of the accepted papers as the “S-CUBE 2015 Best Paper Award”. The winner(s) will be announced during the conference.
Publishing and Indexing
The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Important dates
Full Paper Submission deadline
15 June 2015 29 June 2015
Notification deadline
3 August 2015
Camera-ready deadline
7 September 2015
Start of Conference
26 October 2015
End of Conference
27 October 2015