Proceedings published:
CONGRATULATIONS to Francesco Giurlanda and the co-authors Pericle Perazzo and Gianluca Dini from University of Pisa for their paper:
"HUMsim : A Privacy-Oriented Human Mobility Simulator"
that has been granted with the BEST PAPER AWARD!
Welcome to S-Cube 2014 # 5th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software
October 6–7, 2014 - Coventry, Great Britain
DEADLINE EXTENSION! Good news if you’re still working on S-CUBE papers: due to numerous inquiries from our participants the submission deadline has been extended UNTIL MAY 16TH 2014!!!!
- All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries. ACM is also sought for publication. Selected papers may be invited to publish in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications.and in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ubiquitous Environments
- Proceedings will be submitted for indexing by Google Scholar, ISI, EI Compendex, Scopus and many more.
Keynote Speakers:
Alan Carlton is Senior Director, InterDigital Innovation Labs and Head of InterDigital Europe, Ltd. Alan has over 20 years wireless industry experience spanning 2G through the now emerging 5G. He has been with InterDigital for over ten years and has held a variety of senior positions in their development, systems, standards and technology strategy organizations. Prior to InterDigital, he held positions at Nortel, Siemens and a variety of wireless startups both in Europe and United States. Alan is an EEE graduate of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow and also holds a MSc. in Communications & Signal Processing from Imperial College, London. Alan holds over 15 patents covering a diverse range of wireless technology areas.
Presentation Title: InterDigital’s IoT solutions: Scalable, Interoperable Technology for Next-Gen. IoT
Abstract: InterDigital has been a pioneer in the development of core and standardized M2M/IoT technology. These standards are essential if the M2M experience of today is to truly evolve successfully into the vision of the Internet of Things of tomorrow. This presentation will review the evolving oneM2M technology ecosystem and explain how this platform maps the only true path to the Internet of Things. Further, some examples will be presented that show how the promise contained in this vision can open a new world of application and ecosystem possibilities that may in time prove more profound and impactful than the Google and Apple ecosystems of today.
S-CUBE 2014, the 5th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software, provides an ideal venue to disseminate state-of-the-art work in the areas of system development and software support for wireless sensor network-based systems. This year conference theme centred on Mobile Sensing. This theme reflects recent proliferation of mobile devices equipped with an increasing number of sensors based mobile applications. Mobile sensing applications have penetrated into many application domains such as health, gaming and entertainment, security and privacy, navigation, mobile search and advertising, by taking advantages of the availability of miniature wireless sensors. This conference will bring together researchers from industry and academia to share insights, designs, and research findings on mobile sensing technologies, systems, and applications. Historically, mobile sensing technologies and sensing platforms have played a major role for enabling new applications and experiences in pervasive computing and wireless sensing networks.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Disaster (fire, earthquakes..etc.) monitoring, sensing and management
- Experiences of real-world Mobile Sensing applications
- Innovative mobile and mobile sensing applications
- Human Behaviour Understanding
- Mobile urban interaction
- Novel citizen sensing technologies
- Crisis management
- Sensing in a hostile environment
- Sensing and social media
- Environmental Monitoring
- Spatial and temporal data visualisation
- Security and privacy in mobile sensing systems
- Tools and platforms for pervasive sensor systems planning, development, monitoring and maintenance
- Smart-Cities
- Detection, classification, and tracking
- Data processing, storage and management