Call for Workshops Proposals
The S-Cube conference caters for a limited number of workshops on dedicated session topics. Such topics include but are not limited to:
- Mobile sensing and the cloud
- Big data implications of the Internet-of-Things
- Mobile sensing and wearable computing
- Digital storytelling
- Visualization of citizen, device, and city data
- Algorithms and applications at the intersection of personal data and public data
- Privacy issues in sensor data
- Personal data management
- Information fusion across multiple modalities of data
- Mobile Social Networks
- Geo-temporal data analysis
- Mobile computing for Computational Social Science
- Open-source mobile development
- Mobile sensing with target geo-areas/context (e.g. developing world)
- Mobile sensing for societal change
There are many ways in which workshops can enrich a conference and we are aiming to accommodate diverse opportunities for the S-Cube community to engage. This includes, but is not limited to:
Workshops that provide a forum to share advances in an area of special interest to the community. Such workshops would typically solicit original research contributions and involve a peer-review process for submitted papers, but would be open to a wider audience. All accepted workshop papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
Workshops that aim to gather a group of researchers for a focused activity, such as hands-on prototyping or joint development of a cross-disciplinary research agenda. Such workshops typically involve a selection process for attendance but not necessarily a solicitation of material for publication.
Submitting a Proposal
A workshop proposal should include the following information:
- The title of the workshop
- Name, affiliation and biographies of the organizer(s)
- An abstract of no more than one page describing the aim of the workshop and the motivation for holding it and participating to it (target audience)
- Workshop chair(s) and a tentative list of participants/speakers
- The expected duration of the workshop
- A draft CFP of the workshop. Workshop sessions are expected to last 90–120 minutes, but a workshop may comprise multiple sessions.
Please email your proposal directly to the Workshop Chairs (see email links below). The deadline for submission is 28th February 2014. The submission should be a single PDF file including all information requested above.
Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal prior to the submission deadline, or for more information please contact our Workshops Chairs (see email links below).
Workshop Selection Process
Workshop proposals will be evaluated on several factors:
- The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and useful results
- The expected interest level in the topic from the S-Cube community
- The organisers’ ability to demonstrate in the proposal a well-organised process and plan for the workshop
- The overall balance of topics in the Workshops program. If multiple submissions are received on the same or similar topics, the organisers may be encouraged to merge them.
Workshop Organisers’ Responsibilities
The organisers of each workshop are expected to:
- Publicise the workshop with a call for participation
- Host and maintain webpages for the workshop to be linked from the S-Cube website. These webpages should contain more details on the workshop, including CFP, workshop format, plans for publication (if any), participants, program, etc.
- Organise workshop proceedings (if any)
- Work with the S-Cube Workshop Chairs to arrange the workshop
- Actively run the workshop
Important Dates
Workshop proposals submission deadline: 28th February 2014
Notification of acceptance: 21st March 2014
Distribution of all accepted workshop CFPs: 4th April 2014
Camera-ready version of all workshop papers due: 14th July 2014
Workshops: 5th–7th October 2014
Workshop Chairs:
Vivek Singh: [email protected]
Sarah Gallacher: [email protected]